Global conference opportunity for young Australian engineers

Global conference opportunity for young Australian engineers

A unique opportunity has been unveiled with The Gottstein Trust offering six fully paid conference places at the upcoming World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), being held in Brisbane in late June 2025.

These conference scholarships are available for Australian engineers in the early stage of their professional career. 

The WCTE global organising committee is led by Professor Keith Crews. A prominent timber research leader, he is the Director of the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Hub to Advance Timber in Australia’s Built Environment, hosted at the University of Queensland. A specialist in research and design of large scale timber structures he's internationally recognised as an expert on Sustainable Infrastructure. Keith is a former Gottstein Fellow and a valued contributor to the Gottstein Understanding Wood Science course (pictured).

It's a real delight for the Trust to be supporting the WCTE and to create this exciting capacity building opportunity for up and coming engineering professionals. Further details and the application form are on the website. Applications will close at midnight on March 30th and can be lodged anytime before then, through the online form.



Fellowship boost for research leader’s career

The Gottstein Fellowship was the start of an important career trajectory.

In 2003 I was awarded a Gottstein Fellowship to travel to Scotland following the completion of my PhD in the School of Zoology at the University of Tasmania. This was an exciting opportunity for a recent PhD graduate to take the skills I had gained in understanding natural plant defences against herbivores in a eucalypt/possum system to investigate similar questions in a different system on the other side of the world." ...

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Fellowship boost for research leader’s career
50 years achievements and more ahead

50 years achievements and more ahead

All associated with the Trust were delighted to mark the 50th anniversary at a celebration in Canberra at the National Press Club on 22nd June 2021.

The evening was hosted by the current Trustees Suzette Weeding, John Simon, Brian Farmer, Nils Gunnersen, James Malone, Carlie Porteous and Cara Pearson. The chair Suzette Weeding did the honours with an address of thanks and celebration of the Trust’s significant impact and benefit for the industry and a look into the future. Guests were joined by many Gottstein Fellow alumni and Evan Dunstone, a master furniture designer and maker who was awarded a Fellowship for a study tour to Sweden

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Our Supporters

Thank you to all donors! The Trust continues to invest in raising the capability of individuals who are involved with the forest and wood products industry due to the ongoing support of annual donations from companies and individuals.

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