Scholarship Grant

Gottstein Scholarship

The Gottstein Trust awards Scholarships for students who are studying in a field of study relevant to a future career within the forestry and wood products sector. Applicants are typically university undergraduates or postgraduate students who are undertaking a bachelor’s degree, graduate diploma, master’s degree or PhD program in wood science or forest science. Applications are also received from TAFE students.

The scholarship provides funds up to a maximum of $5,000 per annum to each successful applicant for either one, two or a maximum of three years.

The funds are made available to the Scholarship holder for the purpose of meeting living, relocation, and education-related expenses. Payments are granted subject to ongoing proof of appropriate progression of study and achievements.

The Trustees are responsible for the governance of the Trust Fund and thus they determine the awarding of every Scholarship. The guiding principle is that the scholar has aptitudes and aspirations that are judged as being consistent with the Trust’s guiding principle to promote the development of the Australian wood products and forestry industry.

Application Process

Typically multiple candidates are vying for funding support. Late applications will not be accepted - except in the case of genuine exceptional circumstances.

All applications are considered by Gottstein Trustees and a shortlist of applicants proceed to interview. Typically interviews are held on Zoom. All applicants are advised of the outcome as soon the selection process concludes. 

Scholarship recipients are required to enter into a contract which spells out their obligations in return for the granting of the fund.


Applications should be lodged from the online form on this website. The online form does not ‘save’ and it cannot therefore be part filled out and returned to later. Applicants should be ready to complete the form from start to finish in one session.

Read the Scholarship Terms and Conditions

You should only make an application if you are agreeable to all the terms and conditions.

2024 Applications and Selection Timeline

The 2024 Gottstein Trust scholarship application round will open on Monday 5th August and close at midnight Wednesday 16th October 2024. Applications can be submitted at any time in that period using the online application form. 

Applications will be considered by the Trustees and a set of candidates will be shortlisted. Interviews with shortlisted candidates are expected to be conducted in November 2024. The selection process will conclude as soon as possible after the interview round. Written offers will be sent to successful candidates, and unsuccessful candidates will be advised.

To apply online – go to this page.

For further information please contact the Gottstein Trust.

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