WCTE 2025 Scholarships

Quia te auctor esse probo rutrum. consectetur te saepius venio venenatis penatibus. iriure aptent paulatim dictum olim opes torqueo. praemitto nostra nisi tempus zelus appellatio eum. vestibulum nimis vehicula cras zelus proin. dolore ideo quam decet facilisis pagus torqueo antehabeo. feugiat delenit qui abigo nisi os praesent decet.

Applicant Details

First Name










Mobile Phone

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

How did you hear about the Gottstein World Conference for Timber Engineering 2025 Scholarship?

Scholarship General Information

What is your view on the purpose of and future for timber in the built environment?

What are your career goals?

How would the WCTE 2025 be relevant for you?

We seek to understand why you want to attend the World Conference for Timber Engineering 2025 and how it would benefit your professional development?

Employment, Workplace and Training History

Employment History

Provide details of current and previous employment.
Include the name of your employer, dates employed, positions and duties.

Workplace Achievements

If applicable, detail any special achievements you have received in your workplace or industry, including year.

Education & Training

Provide details of educational qualifications and the name of the institution. Also cover any other relevant professional and technical training including the year of completion.


Please provide details of two referees: include name, position held, and business contact phone and email addresses.
At least one must be associated with the wood products and forest industries in Australia.

May we communicate with your present employer about this application?


Alternate Funding

Do you have any alternative means (e.g. employer funding, self-funding) to pay for attending this conference?

Accommodation and Travel Options

If your application is successful please advise what accommodation and travel options you anticipate. For example – would you plan to fly or self-drive, would you plan to book a place to stay or stay with family or friends in Brisbane.

Networking Activity

During the conference The Gottstein Trust will arrange for the successful candidates to gather for a networking activity on site, in collaboration with students who will be sponsored by Wood Solutions. If your application is successful please advise if you be would willing to participate?

Security Question
What is 8 + 4?

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