Fellowship Terms & Conditions


The award of a Gottstein Fellowship is subject to the Fellow agreeing to be bound by terms and conditions laid down in a contract document which is signed between the Gottstein Trust and the Fellow. Fellows are expected to keep the Trustees advised of any impediments should they arise.

Obligations of the Gottstein Fellow

The Gottstein Fellow is required to:

  • conduct an agreed research program within a prescribed agreed time period as agreed by the Trustees;
  • within three months from the end of the research period or within such further period allowed by the Trustees submit a detailed draft written report which will describe the scope of the project and/or research, the results , the organisations visited by, and particulars of projects or processes investigated by the Fellow, and any findings which the Fellow considers to be for the future benefit of the woodproducts and forestry industry in Australia;
  • if requested by the Trustees, submit the draft report to a Referee with relevant expertise, for review, and then make any changes or revisions to the draft report, in consultation with the Referee, as the Fellow considers appropriate;
  • re-submit the report to the Trustees within two months of the receipt by the Fellow of the comments of the Referee;
  • proactively communicate the project findings through channels which are available to them;
  • participate in any specific Australian industry seminars to disseminate information contained in the final report upon the request of the Trustees;
  • be prepared to promote the values of the Trust including raising awareness about opportunities for potential future applicants;
  • uphold the spirit of the Gottstein legacy and participate in Gottstein events as much as possible.

Payment of Grant

The Trustees will pay to the Gottstein Fellow funds amounting to 85% of the grant by an agreed date and will pay the remaining 15% of the grant within 30 days of the date of submission of the final report to the Trustees.

The Trustees accept no financial responsibility for any expenses incurred by a Fellow that are in excess of the allowances granted or for any expenses whatsoever if the Fellow is in breach of the mutually agreed contract activities.

Should the Fellow breach any provision of the agreement or submit a final report which, in the opinion of the Trustees, does not provide a substantial improvement in general understanding of the topic of the Fellowship, then the Fellow is required to repay the monies paid to him or her by the Trust within six months of the end of the project/research period.


The Gottstein Fellow assigns to the Trustees copyright in the fellowship report. The Trustees have the right to publish the final report on the Gottstein Trust website and other communication channels.

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