Changing of the Guard

04 December 2020

On the eve of its 50th anniversary, the seven trustee governors of the Gottstein Trust Fund have elected Suzette Weeding as the new Chair of trustees, after John Simon stepped down from the role which he carried out for the past two years.
Trustees thanked John Simon for his leadership and are delighted that he will remain on the board as a trustee and will chair the Trust’s investment committee. The transition comes after Mr Simon’s recent retirement from the Chair role at Forest & Wood Products Australia.

“I believe in the need for board Chairs to plan for and encourage succession,” said Mr Simon. “It’s good practice to refresh leadership positions periodically and also important to encourage and cultivate generational change for the future of our industry.”

Mr Simon congratulated Suzette and said that he was confident that the Trust is in good hands with Suzette at the helm and management of administration and courses being done by Helen Murray’s experienced team at Kurrumbene Projects and Advocacy.

A Gottstein Trustee since 2015 Ms Weeding is General Manager Land Management for Sustainable Timber Tasmania. She is a director of the international Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), a leading alliance of national forest certification systems which includes Responsible Wood in Australia. She is also a director of the Forest Education Foundation.

A graduate of the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Science, Suzette has almost 20 years of experience in senior roles directly responsible for environmental management of forests, and management of areas of significant biodiversity. She is a steering committee member of the Launceston National Institute of Forest Products Innovation and her extensive involvement with industry groups includes membership of the Tasmanian State Fire Management Council and the Forest Practices Advisory Council.

Beginning in 1971, the Gottstein Trust was formed to honour the esteemed CSIRO forest scientist Bill Gottstein upon his accidental death. Although his tremendous contribution to the industry was tragically cut short, his legacy lives on in a substantial way. Each year the Trust awards grants to people seeking to extend their own knowledge in ways that also help to advance the industry.

The Gottstein Trust is currently making its annual funding appeal which will underpin funding for a new round of 2021 research, study tour and skill development grants to be awarded to individuals involved with the industry.

For further information please go to our donors page or email the Gottstein Team.


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